SGA/F Ink series is a mono-solvent reduce able Polyamide based ink, it is used for surface printing on untreated PP woven bags. It has an excellent printability and a very good color reproduction.
PRINTING: Flexo Printing Process.
APPLICATION: This ink is specially designed for surface printing as it has very good scratch, adhesion and rubs resistance properties. It is used for printing on PP woven untreated Bags.
Direct contact of heated jaws is not recommended.
SUBSTRATES: Untreated PP Woven Bags.
For printing on other substrates not mentioned above please contact with representative of EASTLAND INK.
Excellent Milage
Very good after printing results like rubbing, Scratch and COF Properties.
Excellent Gloss.
Excellent Adhesion.
REDUCERS: This ink is Isopropyl Alcohol reduce able ink.
Reducer : IPA 99.95% Purity min.
Isobutanol acts as Retarder .However it should not be used more than 5%. For any problem during printing please contact with representative of EASTLAND INKS.
Color range: SGA/F ink series is available in wide variety of color range. However on demand special colors can be developed. Pigments used have good light fastness, however extensive exposure of direct sunlight is not recommended. For requirement of such characteristics kindly consult our Representative.
Important Note: Information’s given above are based on experience at Machines and after necessary laboratory testing. However, the product’s performance and its suitability for the customer’s purchase depend on the particular conditions of use and the material being printed. We recommend that customer satisfy themselves that each product meets their requirements in all respects before commencing a print run. Since we cannot anticipate or control the conditions under which our products are used, it is not possible to guarantee their performance. We would point out that the information contained in this leaflet is only a recommendation, and may need to be altered to suit the conditions and efficiency of the equipment employed.